Sandy Duffrin

1-4 Writing Tutor

Allow me to tell you a little about myself.

I became a follower of Jesus Christ as a freshman in college at MSU.  At the age 18, God opened my blind eyes and convicted me of my need to repent and trust Christ for eternal salvation.  My conversion was radical.  When God rescued me, I no longer had a desire to participate in the wicked perversions of this world; I wanted to follow Christ and obey His Word for the rest of my life!  I have been joyfully walking with my Lord for over 30 years. Life hasn’t always been easy. We have suffered through dark days, but our good and faithful Lord has drawn near and given us much grace.

Amazingly, Phil Dufrin, my boyfriend at the time of my salvation, also responded to the gospel, and we were married three years later.  This past July we celebrated our 32nd wedding anniversary. Thirteen years ago, the Lord called Phil into full-time ministry as a pastor.  Though a weighty responsibility, it has been a joy to serve our church family whom we both love and adore.

While newly married, I achieved a bachelor’s degree in Child Development from Michigan State University.  After graduation, I worked for three years as the preschool and kindergarten teacher at New Covenant Christian School.  The Lord blessed us with seven biological children aged 28 down to 16, and one adopted 12-year-old son. We are in the process of adopting our eight-year-old foster daughter. Two of our adult children are married, and another will wed this October.  We have three grandsons, all under the age of four years old, with another on the way in December.  What joy!!

Phil and I knew before we had children that God was calling us to launch the Dufrin Homeschool Academy with me as the primary teacher and Phil as the principal. Though the hardest job ever, it has been a joy to teach my own children for the past 24 years.

The Lord has given me a passion for teaching children in multiple subject areas from preschool all the way to high school.  My greatest enthusiasm is for the instruction of grammar and writing, which I began formally teaching ten years ago.  I absolutely love words and how they are put together!  I am eager to impart my zeal for the English language to young children, especially those who have a dislike for writing.  I am honored for the opportunity to teach your child how to write proficiently and to demonstrate how their words can be used to advance the gospel of Jesus Christ.