Lansing Area Homeschool Academy English Courses

English 5 - 6 Course Description

English 5 - 6 will focus on grammar, composition, and literature studies. Using Fix It! Grammar, students hunt for and correct errors in daily passages that cumulatively tell a story. This course will use the principles of IEW (Institute for Excellence in Writing), to instruct students on the style and structure of foundational writing skills. IEW teaches effective writing skills that are essential to excellent communication. Students will write a research paper using citing methods and multiple sources.  Students will study public speaking and demonstrate their knowledge by developing a rehearsed speech of their chosen topic. During the year, students will read two novels and learn to analyze literature using guided reading with a Biblical worldview. Coursework is designed to align with the Mystery of History volume taught in History 5 - 6. Grades will be given for grammar worksheets, writing assignments, literature studies, tests, and notebook organization.

English 7 - 8 Course Description

English 7 - 8 is designed to prepare students for high school English with a focus on grammar, composition, and literature studies. This course will use the principles of IEW (Institute for Excellence in Writing), to instruct students on the style and structure of foundational writing skills with a special focus on successful SAT/ACT writing skills. IEW teaches effective writing skills that are essential to excellent communication. Students will study the types of public speaking and demonstrate their knowledge by developing one rehearsed speech of their chosen topic. During the year, students will read four books and learn to analyze literature using guided reading with a Biblical worldview. Grades will be given for grammar worksheets, writing assignments, literature studies, tests, and notebook organization.